
Showing posts from 2023

January 2024


New Verse of the Year

Each year our Pastor picks a verse for us. This year it's John 16:33

Pastor Appreciation Sunday

This passed Sunday was pastor appreciation Sunday. The former Pastor shared some scripture and had a gift to present to Pastor Dave. We are so thankful for a Pastor who teaches the bible.  To quote a lady who has been at our church but recently moved out of Ontario " Pastor Dave teaches the word of our Lord. Nothing added, nothing taken away. Every Sunday, he reads AND explains each chapter and verse from the Holy Bible.  A little church, bursting at the doors with the spirit of Yahweh.  Matthew 18:20.  "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them."  A congregation that is truly a loving and supportive family.  Ephesians 2:19; 3:14-15 “As such, we gather to fellowship with one another, encourage one another, and help each other. We need each other's support.”'

October Calendar

Can't believe it's October! Check out what is going on in our church this month.

Introducing the New Pastor Dave

If you have been to the church in the past you have met Dave Russel. He was voted in at Pastor and started leading January 1, 2020. Pastor Dave, also known as Prince David by Rev Estabrooks.  Pastor Dave Russel and his wife Amy, along with their 5 girls are looking forward to seeing where God will lead the church in the coming years.

Rev David Estabrooks Retires

 On January 1, 2020, Rev David Estabrooks and his wife Sharon retired after serving our church for 30 years.  We pray that they enjoy their retirement. They are still present in the church, assisting the new Pastor and his family settle into their role.

Supporting with Tithes
